Bathroom Remodeling

Bathroom Remodeling

Bathroom Remodeling for Overland Park & Kansas City

CALL NOW! 913-636-4699

Bathroom Remodeling in Overland Park

Contact Mr. Improveit Remodeling, LLC for bathroom remodeling that is done right in the Overland Park area. Not only do we provide skilled renovation services, but we get the work done quickly so you can enjoy your new bathroom space!

We’ve been taking care of our Overland Park & Kansas City area customers since our business was founded in 2012, and we’d love to give you a quote for our services. With 16+ years of experience in the bath conversions field, we think we have a lot to offer you.

Bathroom Remodeling Options in Overland Park

So you know you want to freshen up your  bath  space but aren’t sure what the options are for moving forward with this kind of project? You’ve come to the right place! Mr. Improveit Remodeling, LLC is ready to do whatever you need. We can handle everything from simple  shower remodels, to complete  bathroom remodeling–and everything in-between.

Our tried-and-true formula for quick renovations means that you will get your  accessible bathroom  back for use very fast, and it will look great too! Let us walk you through the many different possibilities.

Bathroom Remodeling Pricing in Overland Park

Mr. Improveit Remodeling, LLC provides speedy bathroom remodeling throughout Overland Park, and we don’t skimp on the quality. Fast work isn’t a plus unless it’s done right! Contact us today to learn more about what we can offer you for your next project. We’ll be glad to consult with you, come up with an estimate, and answer all of your questions in detail. Call our office today at (913) 636-4699 to start firming up your bathroom renovation!


Up to $1000 Off Your Bathroom Project


Serving Kansas City

5-Star Rated for Customer Service

5 stars


Call Now! (913) 636-4699

Sale Ends Soon 11-01-2023

10% Off Your Remodel Project!

Bathroom Remodel, Baths, Showers, & More!


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